Lily of The Valley
24 Mar 2018

One of the few plants that smells as pretty as it looks, Lily of the Valley is one of our favourite additions to the garden in late spring. Its scent has inspired perfumers for centuries and its delicate, white bell-like flowers make deliciously fragrant posies. In France it is known as Muguet and it plays a much bigger role than just a spring time floral, it plays a major part in their May Day Holiday celebrations, officially known as La Fête du travail. Friends and family offer each other sprigs, bouquets or potted plants of Muguet for good luck, the more bell-like flowers the plant has the better the luck, a lovely tradition that sees everyone taking a day off to celebrate with their loved ones.
If you would like to introduce Lily of the valley into your own garden it is easiest to introduce ready potted in Spring. It enjoys moist soil in either full or semi-shade so they will thrive under the canopy of trees or large shrubs with dappled sunlight. The perfect plant to pick and enjoy by your bedside, what nicer scent to wake up to…